[Quick Review] Momoiro Yobanashi 「Gentou」 (with Subbed videos)

Translated from my Chinese blog


Today I am going to promote Momoclo’s acoustic lives 「Momoiro Yobanashi」(ももいろ夜ばなし)

Particularly the second one, 「Gentou」(玄冬)

Today’s subject

Ever since I knew of this series of concerts, 「Gentou」has been at the top of my list of performances I wanted to see.

It’s a rather large deviance from the high-energy, action-packed lives that Momoclo are known for, but that just makes it all the more special.

And after hearing the recording of their performance in 「Hakushu」on the 5th Dimension album, it seems obvious that there is quite a bit of potential there.


I was very happy indeed when Momoclo announced that they were going to properly release the two concerts into a Blu-ray set…..and after watching it, I must say I was not disappointed in the least. It really is a performance of epic quality!


As I was watching, it also dawned on me just exactly why they waited so long to release them…..you really have to watch both 「Hakushu」and「Gentou」to entirely appreciate the improvement Momoclo had during the 1.5 years in between.

I highly recommend picking this up if you are interested in a more mellow side of Momoclo. It’s not something you see often from idols that’s for sure!


(Spoilers Alert)

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